Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Brownie points


Nagoya is between kyoto and tokyo. On the way back, we decided to stop at Nagoya. Everybody had been telling us there is nothing of interest there. It is the Detroit of Japan. I have always wanted to visit Detroit, so to see the Detroit of Japan, I felt would be equally valid. We made the decision over much deliberation to go to the toyota automobile museum. It wasn't like it was closed, so I had no choice. Toyota has 2 museums in the area, and their other one was closed. 

The auto museum is like an auto show, but also with old cars. It goes through kind of the history of cars in japan with cars from all over the world and how they impacted Japanese car culture and grew toyota to become a premier car company today. So many cars. 

I don't even like cars, so I feel like I should get lots and lots of bonus points for enduring this field trip. Even when we're on vacation I have to deal with his mistress(es), cars. 

Oppositely roaded,

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