Tuesday, March 11, 2014

best friends


I recently received the honor of hosting my best friend in LA. She came from the tundra-like depths of Chicago and was delighted to risk the possibility of sunburn here. Upon landing, we made our way to USC for salads. Lemonade is one of the places I think about going to all the time, waiting for the opportune moment to stick it into my schedule. And immediately after leaving, I think about the next time again. We ate among the students outdoors because we blend right in and also, it was not 7 degrees. I showed her the rose gardens featured in the stock shots of Bones, which she had never seen.

Our final destination was the Halliwell manor, because we watched a lot of tv in our youth and now have odd attachments to television memorabilia. The gloriousness of this abode was totally lost on my previous companion to this locale. In Echo Park, I discovered I'm not a fan of Daiya cheese. It's weird and gummy and sticky.

We were also able to jam a show at the Second City into our schedule for the night. You can still do things in LA without a car.

spookily charmed,

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