Sunday, November 10, 2013

closest thing to an art museum I'll ever like


I'd been wanting to go to the a+d museum to see the Never Built: LA exhibit. It was ending October 27, so I had to force my RRS to tear himself away from his schoolwork to catch this. Such drudgeries I make him endure. In true timely fashion, we got there with a little over half an hour to see everything. That turned out to be just barely enough time to read everything, take a second look at the ones I liked best and get a souvenir.

The exhibit is a collection of drawings, displays, and plans for developments and the like for LA. It ranged from housing projects to highway plans and theme park proposals. A and I both liked it a lot. I loved all the descriptions of each project. Whoever wrote them must have been having a great time because they were all laced these snarky, backhanded comments regarding the pettiness and backwardness of politics and politicians. From the exhibit, you can imagine that LA could have been a much more iconic city in terms of architecture. There were ideas from some really big name architects, and they were all really grand.

We stopped by LACMA to look at the giant rock after the museum closed because he loves the rocks, especially giant ones perched atop a walkway at an art museum. He also likes art museums. We just agree to disagree on this point.

We agreed to try the Oaxacan place down the street from us. I had tried to go before but the hours listed were incorrect. It's a pretty small place, and feels a lot like you're eating in someone's house (I think because it is). It was delicious. I got something that looked like a pizza. He said he had tried mole before and never liked it, but the mole here completely changed that. And it was easy to pick up a bottle at the Bar & Garden across the street to have with our meal.

structurally distinguished,

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