Tuesday, August 6, 2013

easy peel


A is super lazy about peeling his oranges. He pretty much only buys easy peel oranges if I don't say otherwise. At the farmer's market, we got these super duper easy peel oranges. We refer to them as old man oranges, partly because the skin is so saggy and loose (like the fruit version of pulled pork) and partly because it'd be easy for old men with arthritis to peel them also.

At 99 Ranch, we got a bag of clementines. He was not so excited about them until I read that they are easy peel according to the label. Even so, he still had something to say about their easy peelness. Apparently we now have standards of easy peelness. Upon peeling his first easy peel from 99 Ranch:

A: Man, these easy peel oranges are more like easy peel if you're Chinese. If you're white, like me, they aren't so easy peel.

I think he dreams of easy peel old man oranges from the farmer's market. Add this to the growing list of things that make him white.

citrusily peeled,

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