Friday, June 5, 2009

bring less things, bring back more


I'm determined to pack lightly. Yes, I declare that I intend to pack lightly. Of course, I say that every time I come home. And every time, I am over the weight limit. But I need to make the point that most of my luggage weight is in books and other random items. I actually have very little weight in clothing... or so I like to think...

But you see, the problem isn't that when I go to school, I bring a lot of stuff. No. The problem is that when I am at school, I accumulate a lot of stuff. And where does that stuff go? Home. Where do I plan on taking stuff I accumulate? Home. When I accumulate stuff, what do I plan on doing with it? Home. And that accumulates to a lot of items that accumulate to overweight luggage. I'm going to accumulate stuff this summer. It's terribly tragic.

despairingly overweight,

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