Tuesday, June 30, 2009



I wanted to mention the skateboards. There are none. Okay. I saw two. But that means the benches never need those breaks on them like in the States. They never need those no skateboarding signs. The city never has to get mad at skateboarders for breaking their benches. They like futbol.

And the age of the city. Everything is old. They don't believe in tearing things down. They usually renovate or restore. This is in such contrast to the States. Before something is outdated or even reached the end of its lifetime, it gets torn down for the sake of making something more modern. It's 'old' form was probably still functioning, still usable, but, no, it needs to be 'new' and 'modern.' And that new structure is probably going to be out of date once it's completed.

We'll be in Italy tomorrow.

lonesomely bananas,

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