Tuesday, February 11, 2014

upon arrival


We made it to Hong Kong! Our final destination! At this point, I felt it safe to stuff our bags full of stuff because we only needed to haul it all to the airport one more time. Our flight landed around 5:30 in the evening and we boarded the local trains to get to our hotel in Mong Kok on the Kowloon side. To say there are a lot of people is somewhat of an understatement. But there were so many people! To find our hotel was somewhat of a treasure hunt. The building it was located in has a multitude of other components that take up the entire city block. After wandering around the vicinity, in and out of an electronics arcade, I zipped back out to find another entrance. We rode the elevator up to the 9th floor. The attendant kept speaking to me in Mandarin, and immediately switching to Cantonese with her husband, even though I responded to her in Cantonese. We dropped our stuff in our shoebox of a room on the 13th floor and left to explore.
open air atrium for hotels/residents

It really was a shoebox of a room. We had enough floor space to open the door and our bags only fit if we piled everything on top of each other. The bed was wall to wall to wall, and your knees hit the wall if you sat on the toilet. It was as cozy as cozy can get.

We wandered up and down the shopping streets near our hotel and decided to eat at a clay pot rice place. There are a ton of lights and banners and people everywhere. It was so busy. Also, it was very warm. The RRS even took out his middle layer of down.

toastily cozy,

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