Thursday, June 28, 2012

Looking for Chicago: sizzling summers


Summers in Chicago can get really, really hot. Sometimes I go outside and it feels like I'm wearing all of the clothes that I own + all of the clothes you own. And no matter how few articles or how little coverage I have on, it still feels like I'm wearing a whole thrift store of unwanted clothes. So how does one survive a summer in Chicago?

My smartest idea is probably to stay inside where it's air conditioned, and if you don't have air conditioning - you should really invest in it, because there is no way you are going to get by on sheer will. That never stopped mother nature, and I'm pretty sure you won't will yourself into sitting in a tub of ice all summer.

Some people might associate cabin fever with winter, but I find that it can happen in summer too. When you find this impending, I find that museums have excellent climate controlled facilities. Libraries are also great, but if you intend on staying to finish a book, you should bring a sweater. Other indoor things not only have air conditioning, but are educational - so as to keep your brain from inevitably rotting during the summer.

But if you're willing to brave the hot summer heat of a thousand suns, there are plenty of outdoor things you can do too. Beaches and water-parks are the optimal oases for summer cool-down activities. Many parks have water features that are great for splashing around. If you can't find any of these (which I highly doubt), going out in the morning or evening is a good time to catch your neighbors' sprinklers. Knowing (making) a friend with a pool is always an easy option.

blisteringly comfortable,

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